Conference Outcome

February 16, 2023

StuCo got an even better deal than most high schools thanks to Disney. The trip was actually in place of the StuCo State Conference, held in Arlington, which TWHS’s StuCo couldn’t attend this year as it’s the same date as prom.

Even with the trip change up, quite a few members found new and refreshed meanings in leadership through the conference.

“Understanding the need from the people and what they want and being able to appeal to that and see everyone’s different perspectives. Trying your best to appeal to everyone but also understanding that you’re not going to make everyone happy.”  Prather said.

Picket gained her own understanding of leadership from the trip.

Inside the leadership training area at Disney. (Photo courtesy of Kristen Gartner)

“For me, I think just being a leader means being a team player,”  Pickett said.   “And working as a team but also being able to just help your teammates out. Like being there for one another as well as just the encouragement. I feel like every scenario, every game , we all worked together, we like bounced ideas off each other. And I feel like that really just helped overall make things run smoothly.”

Even Mrs. Gartner felt she had learned from the trip.

“It was neat to kind of refresh on what kind of leader am I? What kind of leader do I want to be? I mean I’m still learning, I never will ever say I know it all, and it was neat to kind of see and kind of examine myself.” said Mrs. Gartner.  “It was interesting because we would just naturally talk about it.” said Gartner.  “We kind of found ourselves referring back to the keys that we had learned and the core values throughout the whole time.”

Still, there were some that felt like more could have been brought to the table at the conference.

“I feel like we weren’t given many scenarios where if it’s like ‘this problem what do you do?” said Pickett. “I think it would have been interesting to see some of the problems that they face and like how they solve the problems at Disney.”

The approach of the conference seemed to still leave some insight to be desired.

“It was very much at a business level, and so I think that it would’ve been nice to have it kind of more appeal to high school.” said Prather. 

But Prather didn’t dislike the approach in its entirety.  “But I do think it was beneficial because in the future with jobs that we’re going to be having in the future and different positions that we are going to be taking up, we can apply those, we can apply those long term I guess,” Prather said.

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