The Softball Camp Information
“I’m baaackkkk!!!” These are the words from TWHS teacher, Kate Maddock. And she needs your financial support for a great cause, Multiple Sclerosis.
Maddock is no rookie.
After taking a year off to complete Ironman Texas, Ms. Maddock is back to participate in her favorite charity ride of the year! Bike MS.
According to her fundraising page, “this is a ride that raises funds for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. This organization has paved the way for every effective MS treatment available today — the Society is the best investment in reaching a cure for multiple sclerosis.” She goes on to explain personal meaning for her, “I have several team members with family members/friends with MS and they are directly impacted from our fundraising, so I’m here to help in the funnest way I know how! (Yes, riding my bike 100+ miles IS actually fun for me.)” Maddock has previously participated in the MS150, a 150-mile bike ride supporting the Society.
The National Cancer Institute states that MS is an autoimmune disease that can cause muscle weakness, as well as affect vision and speech. Maddock explains this on her fundraising page. She lets supporters know that her team also has a generous donor that will match 100% of funds if the total goal of $3500 is met.
If you don’t know Ms. Maddock, she is a friendly face in the hallways. She loves to give a solid handshake to students entering her LeadWorthy or Health class. She has always been active in sports and activities from an early age.
“I think my parents just wanted me to play sports and, so, they had me try a bunch and softball was my favorite; so I stuck with it” Maddock explains.
To raise money for the fundraiser,. Coach Maddock will be hosting The Woodlands Area Softball Camp on the 17th of February, 2:00 to 4:30 p.m., in support of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society.
“It’s over two days in the weekend in April, and you do 80-something miles on Saturday and then, on Sunday, you do the rest of the trip,” she explains, “and, I heard about it, I thought it sounded really cool.” In order to do the bike ride, however, you first have to make a donation, which is the primary purpose from this camp. “It goes towards treatment and prevention of Multiple Sclerosis,” Maddock says, “so, everything I raise is going to the foundation that does research and treatment.”
“I’m inviting kids ages kindergarten to 6th grade to come to softball camp for two-and-a-half hours and teach them skills and teach them the sport of softball,” says Coach Maddock. The camp will be hosted at the Highlander Softball Field and be run by Coach Maddock and the players at TWHS.
The registration fee is $65 and all proceeds will go to the National MS Society. “The goal for the softball camp is to raise money for the ride so, I’m trying to raise $3,500 by myself,” says Maddock.
The only equipment needed is a T-shirt/sweatshirt, cleats/tennis shoes, a glove, bat, helmet, and water bottle. If you are interested in registering for the camp, click HERE; if you want to contact Coach Maddock with any questions, you can find her at kmaddock@conroeisd.net. If you would not like to register for the camp but still wish to donate, you can find the donation link HERE.
She adds that people should “keep an eye out for my Insta story as I document my training, as always!”