AFJROTC academic team travels to National Academic Bowl Championship

The Woodlands High School’s Air Force JROTC Academic Team, composed of rising seniors Isa Devia Luna and Isabella Griffo, rising junior Spencer Snarr, and rising sophomore Lucas Mohler, heads to Washington, DC to compete in the Championship event on Friday, July 23. The 2021 U.S. Air Force JROTC Academic Bowl Championship will be held on the campus of The Catholic University of America, July 23-27, 2021. This event is sponsored by the U.S. Air Force JROTC and is conducted by the College Options Foundation.

Team sponsor, LtCol Chris McMartin, said the team has been preparing by studying a range of subjects and attending practice sessions after school and over the break, using equipment similar to what they’ll use for the championship.

“While many of their classmates are recharging over the summer, these cadets are working hard to be as ready as they can be for the competition,” McMartin said.

The Woodlands High School’s JROTC team earned top scores out of the 470 Air Force JROTC academic teams that competed from around the world in the first two competition rounds. The team is one of only sixteen Air Force JROTC Academic Bowl teams, in the nation, that won an all-expense paid trip to compete in the Championship event in DC. The cadets are tested on their knowledge of core curriculum such as math, science, and language arts as well as current events, citizenship, and leadership skills. This marks the third year of the past four years The Woodlands JROTC Academic Teams have made it to the national championships.

The JROTC Leadership & Academic Bowl (JLAB) is a nationally recognized competition created exclusively for JROTC students. By participating, cadets learn the values of citizenship, academic competition, and college opportunity. The competition creates tremendous opportunities for JROTC cadets by allowing them to demonstrate leadership and academic abilities.
College Options Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to enriching the academic development of high school students and assisting them in their preparation for higher education. Using academic competitions, college exam study guides, college admissions tutorials, and personalized counseling, College Options Foundation has assisted the nation’s JROTC cadets worldwide for nearly two decades.