Tennis approaches end of season

Emma Cavin

Nachi Gulati competed in a home match against Stratford on Sept. 16. TWHS won 12-2; the balance of the matches were called on account of darkness.

The Woodlands High School Varsity Tennis Team beat College Park 19-0 on September 13, 2022, and won against regional competitor Stratford on Friday, September 16, for a total of 13 victories in the season and 58 consecutive district victories. The team averages two matches a week. The coaches have been able to work with the team and the results are a proof of their dedication.
TWHS started out as fifth in state at the beginning of the year, and have moved up to number three for the 6A mid-season ranking.
Though most of the matches were close in score, The Woodlands High School was able to push through to the end and eventually beat out their toughest district rival as well as a regional competitor.
“I’m so proud to be part of The Woodlands High School Tennis Team, through good and bad,” junior team member Esteban Di Loreto said. “On Tuesday and Friday we were able to win and I’m so happy that we did.”
“I was happy that I won both of my matches. We all won, and it was a special moment that we shared as a team,” said sophomore Adrian Gonzales.
Freshman Nachi Gulati said, “Everyone was really pumped at the match and we supported each other really well.”
Captain Jose Perez and Kennedy Caswell were thrilled that the team was able to dominate against College Park as much as they did.
“It’s the second time in school history that we shut them out completely.” Perez said.
“At first it was really hard,” said freshman Albany Pulido. “I was losing 1-4. Then I got up 3-4 and I lost the next two games. I had a mental change and I got up to 8-6, ultimately winning the match!”
“I did not play in the match against Stratford but got to see my team perform at a high competitive level of tennis against another state ranked team,” senior Josh Cesar Pierre said. “Our team and team spirit is looking amazing this season, and with how our team is headed, I believe we have a chance at winning state this year.”
The JV team also played against College Park (18-1) and Stratford (10-7), winning both matches.
Newcomer and freshman Alejandro Kolster gave his input on hard work and dedication that ultimately leads to success.
“Don’t give up, and work harder to achieve your dreams. They will not appear automatically.”
Sophomore Annabella Romero views the team with a highly positive light.
“The Woodlands Tennis Team has become a family in which we always support each other,” Romero said.
The varsity team’s final district match will be on Tuesday, September 27 at Willis. They will play Texas’s highest ranked 6A school, Houston’s Memorial, on October 1.