The TWHS Tennis Team advanced to State for the fourth year in a row, playing State Semifinals on Oct. 25. They became Regional Champions on Oct. 20; this was their 19th consecutive year making it to Regionals and fourth straight year being Regional Champs.
During mid-season, The Highlanders were ranked as the #7 team, which was a step down from their #4 pre-season ranking. Nevertheless, their season record ended up being 16-2 (they lost twice to #6 Fort Bend Clements).

After being handed their third place medals, seven-time State competitor and Captain Eli Sam, reminded the team that this year is not over. “Spring season finna be light. Let’s get ready.”
“Better luck next time, I guess,” Captain Marco Alvarez said, disappointed with the team’s loss. He hopes that the new senior players can step up and have more of a competitive match next fall season.
The Woodlands played the #1 team in the State, Westwood, first round in State Semifinals. Westwood dominated, winning 10-1. Mixed doubles, composed of Nitya Kaligotla and Nachi Gulati, was the only match the Highlanders won; there were still many singles matches that were left incomplete.
“We were the last match and the whole team was cheering us on. It was a unique experience and opportunity,” Gulati said.
Westwood ended up winning State handily for the second year in a row. They beat Memorial, the #2 Texas team, 10-3.
“Overall we played really well,” senior Paige Fossler said. “There were lots of close games.”