If you’ve had an interest in dyeing your hair but you’re too hesitant, I’d say just do it! While the process can be slightly difficult depending on what you’re trying to do, it’s worth it. If you’re unsure where to start, the process is not too complicated!
Hair dyeing can be broken down into the color wheel, taking into account undertones. Dark hair tends to have warm undertones, while the lighter your hair gets, the less undertone you have. Dyeing your light hair any color is easy considering you don’t need to bleach it like you would with dark hair. For example, dying my blonde hair black. However, when I wanted to dye my black hair blue, it was more difficult. It’s best to do your research on your hair, consider your hair color and what undertones it might have, and the hair color you want.
When dyeing your hair you always need to patch test it to make sure your hair is able to handle the dye. Especially if your hair might already be damaged from heat, previous dye, etc. and never skip a patch test when bleaching your hair. Bleaching hair that can’t handle it can leave you with extreme breakage, or your hair coming out. Patch tests are a definite must.
Certain types of dyes can be more reliable. For example, getting your hair dyed in a good quality salon might get you a better job than doing a box dye at home. I always prefer to get my hair dyed at salons; however, I’ve also dyed my hair myself multiple times. For an at home dye, there are many stores that sell semi permanent or permanent dye. My personal favorite brand is the semi permanent Arctic Fox. But always patch test the dye you choose to make sure it gets you the color you want.
Don’t forget to be careful while dyeing, and try not to get dye on anything you wouldn’t like stained. While I’ve been able to get hair dye stains out of my shower and bathroom counter, it’s still very hard work. It always manages to happen, I somehow stained my bathroom door after I had dyed my hair in the backyard! My best advice is to just make sure you’re cleaning up well, and try stain remover or nail polish remover on the stains.
I’ve always had fun dyeing my hair, no matter the outcome. I recommend people to experiment with their hair, and try fun colors and designs. It’s worth it, considering the process and the end result of a new look.