Eco Club Promotes Environmental Awareness

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City park. Panorama of a beautiful park

The Woodlands High School is home to many different clubs and one of them is Eco Club.


A general description of what Eco Club is ,“ essentially is a club to promote environmental awareness and we volunteer through The Woodlands Green to do projects that help the community and the environment,” current Eco Club president Beth Verghese said.


The Woodlands Green is not part of The Woodlands High School, it is part of the   “ The Woodlands’ townships environmental non-profit group and as a club our members sign up to be Woodlands Green Ambassadors and then we volunteer through all the Ambassador events,” Verghese said.


In order to become a Woodlands Green Ambassador, Beth Verghese said you need to, “ Go onto their website and you click join us and click The Woodlands Student Ambassador applications and you fill it out and print it out and then send it to the email we provided,” and she strongly suggest everyone to do this if they are considering joining Eco Club. 


You may be wondering what it means to be a Woodlands Green Ambassador, well it means “ basically it makes it easier to volunteer through The Woodlands Township and also gives you access to some special volunteer events,” Beth Verghese said. 


The Eco clubs meeting are the first week of every month in room 312, at 2:45 and at 3:00 pm. Some requirements of Eco club are that “ everyone is expected to volunteer at least once a month and come to the meetings as often as possible,” Verghese said. 


Verghese would love to see you at the next meeting, and wants to remind everyone considering to participate in Eco Club that it looks great on your college resume and you’re helping to save the environment.