Students to vote on art submissions Thursday

Candy Crush, Jordan Phillips (Courtesy photo)
Ending on a Perfect Note, by Carol Scheferman (Courtesy photo)
Three Amigos, by MaryAnn Lucas (Courtesy photo)
Swimming in the Sky, by Nancy J. Wood
Floating in the Galaxy, by Michelle Vo (Courtesy photo)
Regarding, by Marlo Saucedo (Courtesy photo)
Further, by Eris Gentle (Courtesy Photo)
Blue 2020 by DeeJon (Courtesy photo)
Hoot by Terry Crump (courtesy photo)
Sammie, by Patrick O’Brien (Courtesy photo)

The student body will vote on Thursday on art submitted by Texas artists to decide on purchases for this year. Each student gets one vote, and as many of the top choices are purchased as allowed by budget. There are 11 total pieces chosen from all submissions by the students on the Art Trust Committee. Works by Jordan Phillips, MaryAnn Lucas, DeeJon, Marlo Saucedo, Patrick O’Brien, Daryl Gannon, Terry Crump, Nancy Wood, Michelle Vo, Eris Gentle, and Carol Scheferman are submitted. Click through the slide show to see the works submitted.

The Art Trust was created in 2011 and is funded by proceeds from the Homecoming Dance. Framing, lighting and conservation are funded by donations.